Saturday, February 27, 2010

The pajama Queen and her BIG brother.

My eyes were met with the most annoying of sites yesterday morning as I got out of bed before the sun. SNOW! A lot of it too! Sixteen inches was not what I wanted to see piled on the road and in my driveway blocking our exit. We needed to get to Utica to babysit the nephew and niece for the day, so mom could go to the hospital. Ahhh, the joys of upstate NY weather! We were finally able to get out 2 hours or so late thanks to a nice neighbor who plowed the roads. It was starting to look as if the regular plows had the day off. Once we got to the kids, we spent the day playing games, watching movies, and all three kids ran in circles till everyone was dizzy. As a surprise and get well present for mom we made cards, and did some pictures to help her get better fast. Kyle was very into making his card but not so much into the pictures. We did a few amongst his room filled with legos, and everything spider man and blue. Ali was more into pictures, but would only wear her pajamas. I can't say I blame her they looked very comfortable! After pictures were done it was back to spongebob square pants oppereation, and then PIZZA. If you've never had Utica pizza, you've never had Pizza, so yummy! Mom and Dad came home soon after, and the kids were excited to show them their cards.  We then packed up to leave and headed home in, you guessed it, SNOW! Although, a fun day of bonding with the kids was worth the hassle!

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