Saturday, April 24, 2010

Colt Cuteness

A couple of weeks ago I got together with one of my photographer friends for a playdate and some pictures. It didn't go quite as well as we had hoped! My crazy dog kept getting in the way, and the boys preferred to be playing! My friend Alethea loves photography and has hopes to eventually maybe start her own business. I always really enjoy spending time with people that like taking pictures as much as I do! It's great to be able to share techniques and swap ideas! Her little guy was super silly and fun, which made for some really cute faces!

With this set of pics I did some experimenting with some new photoshop actions. I stumbled across Annie from Paint the Moon photography on I Heart Faces. She makes some of the most amazing Photoshop textures and actions! She has a free set of actions available for people to download to you can get used to using the presets before you buy them. I haven't purchased any from her yet but I plan to. So far I love the freebies, so if you like to photoshop go check out Annie's site at Paint the Moon. I included a couple of them bellow, I HEART her work and cute little blonde boys!

Strawberries and Cream, before and after.

Misty Sunset, the before and after.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The beauty that is Spring!

Pixie and I spent some time outdoors yesterday admiring nature's splendor. There is nothing that says summer is fast approaching like warm sunshine and budding plants. I love my flowers in case you couldn't tell and all things Spring! Even the bees! Here are few pictures from my time outdoors yesterday. I hope everyone else enjoyed the day as much as I did! Happy SPRING.......................

Monday, April 19, 2010

The New Glow

Love. If I asked you to define or describe this word what are the first things that come to mind? Romance, together, heart, soul mates, a person, or maybe the word forever? I am always blessed to be able to witness love in action, and quite frankly I find it addicting! My latest session with the Pollies was about just that. Glowing love. Love for each other, and that new loving parent glow for their precious little one Mikey. I truly believe family is one of our greatest blessings, and I am so thankful for mine!

The Pollies were here in New York visiting with family, and friends away from their sunny home in North Carolina. I love doing baby pictures, and of course just pictures in general so I was very excited when they contacted me! We used my home for their pictures which ended up working out really well. We did a few of the pictures in dressy, then went casual and of course we got a few of just baby chub, which are some of my favorites! Just let me say their little man was a sweet, super cooperative, hansom little guy that loved the camera! Ladies look out! All in all we had a blast, so enjoy some pictures of the Pollies and their cutie Mikey!