Monday, February 15, 2010

The airbrush experiment.

Over the course of the past year I have been trying to devote more of my time for growth both in photography and Photoshop. Photoshop for me has been extremely challenging. Not only is it a complex program, but finding the time to drill the steps into my head in how to master things is usually trumped by mommyhood. I know every mom out there knows exactly what I am talking about! So, I was able to spare a few minutes to learn an airbrushing technique which is something I have been wanting to learn how to do for a long time! So as you can imagine this is exciting for me! It will take some tweaking on my part as I get better at doing it but I wanted to share my first attempt with you! So don't forget to let me know what you think. I am excited about applying this to future pictures!

Meet Lucas, a little boy I had the pleasure of working with right before Christmas!
First the before, and then after airbrushing.

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