Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Scruff Monster and Newest Addition.

If your asking yourself the question, the answer is no WE did not have another baby. I on the other hand have added a new baby so to speak to my photography collection. Thanks to the advice of the amazing Jasmine Star, I finally took the plunge and picked out a new lens! My wonderful husband bought it for me just this last week and I have been the sugar addict kid in the candy store since it arrived. So what's the latest addition to my bag you ask? The Canon 50mm 1.4.  and I am so in looooove with it! This lens has by far met with all my expectations! At first I was a little apprehensive about switching to a prime lens, but now I am so glad I did! As you can imagine, Pixie did not share in my excitment when she was made to be my guinea pig this time instead of Noah. You know I had to test it out as soon as I got it! I don't think she appreciated seeing stars, and having me in her face when she was trying to nap. If your wondering by now who Pixie is, she is our scruffy little terrier mutt and Noah's BFF. To sum her up? She is your crazy, hipper, tipical terrrier with a little to much spunk and the big bad pussy cat complex. She is also a sweetie, a kisser, a lover, and bigtime cuddler, someone we couldn't imagine life without, and we love to love on her! She is a one of a kind and a big time cutie so leave her some love!

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